XR presentation Trafalgar Square 9th October 2019 and then given to Furlough College (organised by The Engineering Club) 30th April & July 2nd 2020 'Blue Green Perspectives: Adapting to climate change impacts - NOW!'. A recording of the presentation can be accessed here.
An abridged version of this talk was given in a CIBSE Resilient Cities Group seminar on 29th September 2020. If you would like to watch the session, please visit the following link and watch using the embedded video player: https://cibse.egnyte.com/dl/t8FkIOxFGh. To access the presentation files, please visit: https://www.cibse.org/networks/groups/resilient-cities/past-events-and-presentations
Thames Blue Green Economy publish "The case against the Thames Tideway Tunnel & in favour of Integrated Water Resource Management for the Thames Tideway"
Bluegreenuk.com is pleased to announce that it is now hosting the independent 'freewater' websites:
Blue Green London Plan (BGLP) Previously with Call To Act to EU Commission
Last site update: 14th October 2020