GAI01: US EPA policy guides on green infrastructure
GAI02: Portland Stormwater Management Manual
GAI03: Infrastructure, Engineering and Climate Change Adaptation – ensuring services in an uncertain future
GAI04: EU Blueprint to safeguard water resources
GAI05: UN Environmental Principles
GAI06: Aarhus Convention
GAI07: London Plan
GAI08: Combined sewer overflows factsheet
GAI09: TSB's "The challenge of future cities"
GAI10: Linked London Feasibility Report
GAI11: Ofwat's Setting price limits for 2010-15 - Framework and approach
GAI12: National Policy Statement for Waste Water
GAI13: City of Atlanta Ordinance
GAI14: Water Works " Rebuilding infrastructure, creating jobs, greening the environment"
GAI15: NYC Green Infrastructure Plan
GAI16: EU Regulation on Citizens Creating Legal Acts of the Union
GAI17: The European Citizen's Initiative
GAI18 (Rev 1): Thames Tunnel: A Critique of a Flawed Project
GAI19: Money Down the Drain: Getting a better deal for consumers from the water industry
GAI20: EU Lays Out the Law for UK on Sewage Treatment
GAI21: Judgement on nitrogen dioxide limits
GAI22: Washington DC stormwater management regulations revision July 2013
GAI23: Urban green infrastructure report to Parliament
GAI24: Environment Agency Report - An assessment of evidence on Sustainable Drainage Systems and the Thames Tideway Standards (October 2013)
[This report should be read along with recent evidence provided by Professor Chris Binnie in request for NPS review- Annex 2 in PPL05]
GAI25: Report of the Thames Tunnel Commission - October 2011 (Chairman – The Earl of Selborne)
GAI26: DEFRA - Costs and Benefits of the Thames Tunnel, Nov 2011 [also discussed in SEE03]
GAI27: DEFRA - A strategic and economic case for the Thames Tunnel, Nov 2011
GAI28: Adapting to climate change: a checklist for development
GAI29: DEFRA - Summary of responses - Consultattions on draft reasons for specifying TTT as an SIP and for issuing a prepatory work notice. Note - still no mention of potential to spawn a new London Blue Green Infratructure based industry (also discussed in SEE02).
GAI30: Dept for Business Innovation and Skills - The Smart City Market - Opportunities for the UK (note Section 2 on Smart Water Management).
GAI31: Houses of Parliament Post Note - Urban Green Infrastructure
GAI32: Barriers to, and incentives for, the adoption of green water infrastructure
GAI33: Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution - Adapting institutions to climate change
GAI34: GLA - Green infrastructure and open environments - The all London green grid
GAI35: IPCC Report - Climate change 2014
GAI36: World Bank - Urban environment and infrastructure toward livable cities
GAI37: British Ecological Society: Green infrastructure -from encouraging examples to a joined-up approach?
GAI38: International Energy Agency - Energy and Climate Change
GAI39: Sensitivity and the carbon budget
GAI40: Water Environment Federation Releases Future of Stormwater Report
GAI41: CIBSE Resilient Cities
GAI42: European Commission - Guidance on Integrating Climate Change and Biodiversity into Environmental Impact Assessment
GAI43: European Commision - Environmental Impact Assessment
GAI44: European Commision - Environmental Impact Assessment of Projects
GAI45: GLA - London Sustainable Drainage Action Plan
GAI46: UN Framework convention on climate change - aggregate effect of INDCs
GAI47: DEFRA - Thames Tideway Tunnel: strategic and economic case, costs and benefits, 2015 update [currently being reviewed to measure assertions against historic assumptions and methodology]